Children and Young People

Childhood and teenage years can be fun and enjoyable, however many young people face challenges along the way. This may result in low mood, withdrawal, anger, anxiety, sadness, or maybe a sense of feeling lost. Providing a safe, confidential space for children and young people to explore their feelings and the issues troubling them, can help them to make sense of their emotions and their place in the world. Some young people benefit from a confidential space to talk, for others I offer a range of creative tools including, sand tray, clay, art activities and imagery to support the counselling process. "Having a chance to talk through my concerns and worries with Philippa each week really helped me start to discover the real me" Client aged 17


As adults we sometimes feel overwhelmed with the challenges life brings. These may be related to our relationships with others or ourselves or be related to bereavement and loss, to a past trauma or event. Or you may be feeling stuck in your life, unable to move forwards and unsure why. Anxiety, depression, stress, low confidence, anger or shame are some of the emotions and feelings we may experience. I believe that through the relationship we build together, in a safe and confidential space I can support you to explore and gain awareness of your responses to these challenges and help you to strengthen your sense of self. "I wasn't sure what counselling would be like, but Philippa made me feel at ease and really helped me to understand the reasons for my feelings and helped me work through them" Adult client.

&BabyToo -Mum and baby nurturing meet ups

Are you a new Mum? Are you looking to find your tribe? Nurturing sessions in a small group enabling new mums to connect with other mums, to share experiences and build lasting friendships. Being a new mum can be overwhelming, exhausting, emotional and sometimes lonely. Other times it can joyful, rewarding, exciting and full of wonder. Most likely it can be a combination of these. Join me for nurturing meet ups, for you &BabyToo in Wetherby and surrounding areas. In comfortable surroundings at my wellbeing space, I will facilitate a warm welcome, help create connections over 4 weeks of meet ups. Each meet up will include support, laughter and learning, all with a side of coffee and cake!! Meet up 1 Love & Bonding-exploring the magic of attachment. Meet up 2 Play Power-fuelling your baby’s brain growth. Meet up 3 Sensory Adventure – supporting your baby’s sensory journey. Meet up 4 Emotional wellbeing – being mum. 4 Weeks of post-natal support for mums and their pre-crawling babies. Contact Philippa for details of the next meet ups

School Therapy Services

Primary and secondary schools are perfectly placed to reach pupils in need of therapeutic counselling, especially those pupils who would otherwise not have access to much needed support. If your school is looking for a qualified child and young person counsellor to work with pupils in your school or are interested in discussing options, please contact me to discuss your needs. "Philippa has made a real difference to many of our pupils in need of therapeutic counselling, providing a safe, confidential space to support them to thrive and develop" Parkland Primary School, Leeds.